Essential Fatty Acids: Omega-3 and Omega-6
Over the past few years, as I’ve continued to coach and empower more and more clients and patients, one question that frequently continues to come up is regarding Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs). Just as much as the topic seems to increasingly come up in media, journals, and is generally becoming more ubiquitous in the Health and Wellness field, likewise so is the question of are Essential Fatty Acids really that important and essential, or are they just another health craze.
So what about you? Are you completely on the Essential Fatty Acids bandwagon or are you questioning just how essential these fatty acids are to good health? Well, if you are questioning and doubting, do know that you’re not alone, but definitely read on..
More than 20-25 years ago, unless you were either in the health industry, considered a “health nut”, or traveled in similar social circles, you seldom heard mentioned the terms linoleic or apha-linolenic acid--both of which, by the way, are Essential Fatty Acids. Today, more than just health jargon, linoleic and alpha-linolenic acid, more commonly referred to as omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids (respectively), are highly esteemed as essential for good health.
So, exactly why are these “essential fatty acids” (EFA) needed for good health?
For one, they function as components of nerve cells, cellular membranes, and prostaglandins (a hormone like substance). When considering the cells alone, it’s important to realize the critical roles that cells play. Remember, it’s the cells that make up the body’s tissues. Similarly, those tissues make up the body’s organs, the organs formulate the systems of the body, and the various systems make up the entire being. In other words, the cells are the foundation of the entire body. A deficiency in essential fatty acids within the membranes of the cells make it difficult, if not impossible, for the cellular membrane to function properly. In case you don't remember the importance of the function of cell membranes from biology class, the cell membrane works as a selective barrier which regulates what goes in and comes out of the cell. When this functionality is not maintained, in essence all the cellular processes begin to break down, and cells loose their ability to stay hydrated, hold on to necessary nutrients and electrolytes, and communicate with other cells. This can lead to a number of problems and issues in your health. In fact, listed here are just a few of the disease associated with low levels of essential fatty acids:
Heart disease
High Blood Pressure
Multiple Sclerosis
various cancers
Attention Deficit Disorder
and the list goes on.
So be advised, that EFA’s are essential and they’re here to stay. In one of the next few email updates, I’ll get more into the specifics of which foods contain Essential Fatty Acids and how they are best eaten to maximize EFA absorption. So stay tuned!