Empowering Careers, One Insight at a Time: Your Guide to Professional Growth and Success!

What You Need To Succeed In Your Career

What You Need To Succeed In Your Career

March 11, 20245 min read

Today, we're going to talk about the vital ingredients for success in your career, whether you're a leader or a working professional. Your journey toward a rewarding career hinges on your motivation, skills, and the right mindset.

Here's a thought-provoking fact: You'll spend about a quarter of your entire life working. That's a big chunk of your time. So, doesn't it make sense to learn how to make the most of it? Let me put it this way: If I took away 25% of your paycheck today, you'd be upset, right? Well, why not learn how to increase your income by 25% by improving your career skills?

But here's the catch: Many people want to succeed in their careers, they want more influence, impact, and money. However, they hesitate to take action on the advice and knowledge available. It's like they're looking for quick and easy success, but the reality is that building a successful career takes time, effort, and a commitment to improving your skills.

Lack of clear goals and actionable ambition leads to career failure.

I have met a lot of ambitious people that want to succeed bad in their career and want to see their situation change. But often when I ask the question of what are you looking for out of your career? The majority cannot answer that question clearly and with confidence.

Here is what I have seen that is common to those who struggle:

  • No career goals

  • Poor role or job fit

  • Lack of passion and interest

  • Lack of concentrated effort

Good news is today we are going to explain how you can began to overcome these problems and move one step closer to career success.

Step 1: Define your version of career success

Who begins a journey, without first determining where they are headed? Now I want to be clear, this reads easy but does hard. What I mean is people read over this without actually doing what it is saying.

So let me ask you this. Do you have a written down version of what career success means to you? And to be frank and honest. No one can do this for you. As a coach I can ask you questions and draw it out of you and help you see what is already inside of you.

What I can tell you is once you define it, be unapologetic about it and be okay taking risks to achieve it. When what you are doing is true to you, resonates with you, and puts you outside your comfort zone know you are moving in the right direction.

Oh and one last thing. Your career success will be a collection of what you love, are good at, what your business needs, and what you can be paid for.

Step 2: Choose the right role and career environment

You could be a superstar but if you are in the wrong role and in the wrong environment you won't succeed. Any job and any role will not do. To have career success you must be intentional here.

You want to be in a role and environment that is a good mix for your personality, values, skills, and current season of life you are in.

One of my mentees determine they were in the wrong role and environment. What I was able to do was help them get a clear goal first. Then we identified 3 key values such growth, schedule, and pay.

We were then able to begin a strategic search for companies that matched their values. Next we assessed skillset to see where they are now and the skills needed for the future. Why is this important? Number 1 value is growth. We had to ensure the company was going to provide access to those future skills needed for my mentee to be in the right role and environment.

Now there was more we did to ensure a great fit and yes we were not only able to find the right role and environment but it came with a pay increase and that person has since then been promoted.

If this is something you would like for me to do for you through leadership and career coaching booking some time here:


Step 3: Tap into the power of networking

The best news is, you do not have to do this alone! Networking and partnering with others who have been where you are and are at the level you desire increase your chances of career success exponentially.

You see when you talk to others who are were you desire to be you will find that they all had pivotal people and moments that change the trajectory of their career.

The beautiful thing about all of this is, you do not have to walk this journey alone. You have myself and plenty of others who will come at pivotal points in your career to create career changing moments for you.

If you are reading this know that you have me in your corner and that there will be a resource for you called the 30 day career roadmap for success.

I am going to be teaching you how to increase your influence, impact, and income to elevate your career. When you are done going through my course you will have your career roadmap needed to know exactly what mindset, skillset, and toolsets you need to have to achieve the career success you desire.

All I need you to do is to follow, subscribe, and share this information to anyone it can help. Stay tuned in as I will have some free resources to become available this month to help you begin your journey before the course releases.

If you want help faster and more personalized I have only 4 slots available for coaching to walk you through the process ( PS I dont accept everyone as I want to ensure my personal time is utilized fully).

Go here to book a call to see if we are a good fit for coaching:


Career success essentialsAchievement strategies guideProfessional growth factorsSucceeding in careerCareer development keys
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